God’s call to mankind is to be in relationship with Him, surrendering to Him, obeying Him, and loving Him. Our response is what will be the definition of our life, now and in the next life. God got ahold of me from a very young age, I accepted Christ at 6, and, as I grew, I learned more and learned what it means to be a disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ. By His grace, I have drawn to Him because He drew near to me first, and by His grace, He has forgiven me in Christ, when I have strayed. Each day I must battle my own stubbornness, to surrender it to God - that God may be glorified, and to find true fulfillment, walking in His ways. My invitation to you, is God’s invitation to you, to follow after Christ and to be forever changed in loving the Creator God of all things, and to find your life defined in believing in Christ as Savior, who died on the cross and rose from the grave, for you. Bryce Ferguson was born in California and currently lives in Washington state. He graduated from Belmont University in Nashville, TN and is an active member of Canyon Hills Community Church in Bothell. He is a student of the Holy Bible, asking and inviting the Holy Spirit to teach, move, and preach for the glory of God. There is more work to do for the kingdom. Let us all follow Jesus and worship Him together.  For inquiries, send an email to Bryce at: contact@intotheword.co 

Bryce Ferguson